An overview of the equipment available at the CTP is available below. For more information, visit the NYU Abu Dhabi Core Technology Platforms Website.

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Spectroscopy

The Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Spectroscopy CTP hosts a variety of research-grade analytical instruments that perform qualitative and quantitative analysis of chemical compounds based on the interaction of electromagnetic radiation with matter.

Analytical and Materials Characterization

The Analytical and Materials Characterization CTP aids in the investigation of the characteristics, properties, structures, and performance of materials from the level of the millimeter, to the micrometer, to the angstrom.

Light Microscopy

The Light Microscopy CTP is equipped with devices that facilitate the viewing and imaging of both the surface and depth of live neurons and other living tissue. Equipment in this CTP can be used to obtain high-resolution images of fluorescent samples at specific depths and can produce scans of moving neurons at up to 428 frames per second.


Researchers in genomics and systems biology utilize the Sequencing CTP to investigate the arrangement of nucleotides in DNA. Equipment in this CTP facilitates human genome, RNA, and gene sequencing, and can be used to sequence a whole human genome in a day.

High-Throughput Screening

The High-Throughput Screening CTP is used by biologists and chemists to automate tests using biological and chemical materials. This technology is used in drug discovery, toxicity studies, and cell biology research, and allows researchers to quickly automate the production of millions of chemical and biological tests.

Molecular and Cell Biology

The Molecular and Cell Biology platform aids in the cloning and sub-cloning of genes into different vectors; the creation of proteins that are used in biotechnology research; and the biophysical and biochemical structural characterization of different macromolecules.


The Micro-Fabrication CTP is used for systems in biosensing, energy conversion, and human health. Utilizing spin coating, mask and bond aligning, reactive ion etching, and vacuum evaporator techniques, this CTP helps researchers produce micro- and nano-materials in a class 1,000 cleanroom environment.

Advanced Manufacturing and Electronics

The Advanced Manufacturing and Electronics CTP supports researchers with custom design and manufacturing of parts and equipment by utilizing using both additive (3D printing) and reductive (CNC) techniques. The five-axis computed tomography (CT) system can scan objects of up to 24” for accurate reproduction.

Brain Imaging

Research in the Brain Imaging CTP utilizes magnetoencephalography (MEG) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to study the brain as it responds to a variety of stimuli. Currently, this CTP is being used to study the way natural language is processed by the brain.